While you are waiting, a few freebies!

I'm working on new year stuff, Getting my birthday book down, organizing the out going malings.  I'm writing a mini tutorial on starting a card ministry and out reach. 
I've also found a wonderful 7 grain flour that I am having a ton of fun with. 
 The Family is enjoying this too, nothing like walking into a house with bread baking on a cold winter day!  

So while I'm getting things taken care in an effort to keep  the new year  running smoothly I thought I would leave you with thee 18th century fashion plates.  I can't wait to make a few cards from these myself!!

Thank you for stopping by!
Ginny M


Ahhh sis that home made bread sounds so wonderful. ..popping right over for some! ! :)
Thanks too for sharing the images. .Some are lovely. ..hard to imagine wearing them tho' they've my sympathy, that's for sure!!!!
Shaz in Oz.x ♡

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