envelope challenges

I belong to a face group called addicted to card making, it is a fun group that does swaps and challenges, I thought I'd show you one, they are a challenge!

With an envelope challenge you never know what is coming your way.  The rules are simple,
you have to use everything you get or at least part of it and you can add one stamped image and 2 embellishments.

For this month, here is a picture of what came in the envelope:

White card base with a very nice dry embossed element in the corner - very hard to see in the corner in this photo.

Here is what I came up with:

my stamp was the digi bird/flower and my embellishments were the ink and the piece of silver card. Kinda hard to see the doily, I put the focal image down a little to far, unfortunately I could not move it with the double stick tape. 

These are a lot fun to do, I am not always successful with them. But since this is a card an not a world peace treaty, it is worry free!

Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Mehrll said…

Very pretty card.
Love it sis, beautiful image... But must admit cannot see the doily at all. :)
Shaz in Oz.x
Jan Castle said…
Good job Ginny....we do this same type of thing at one of our card clubs at Craft Warehouse...have to use a piece of everything they give you, but you can add and use whatever else you want and whatever theme you like. YES, it can really be a challenge!!! But, FUN and a stretch!

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