Old stand by Technique

Today I'm showing you an oldie but goodie: The Napkin Technique!!  This is something those of who have been stamping since before the age of amazing designer papers used to use.  It is still a fun technique and a great way to use those fancy napkins that are sometimes given as holiday gifts or that you run into on sale table at place like Marshalls and Home Goods!! I can't stand them for napkins, they are usually rough and scratchy and just look kinda strange.  But there must be a market for them, they keep making them!  I have a stash of them and often include them in giveaways.  With today's' cards, I used one napkin to make six cards!

One napkin unfolded, This gives me six panels

I use only the top printed layer, this particular napkin was a deluxe three layer version I used one panel in my journaling bible and made 5 cards

I mounted each sheet onto sticky back card stock.  This card stock I was able to purchase at a print shop, it was a one time find and deal.  You should try going to you local independent printer, both letterpress and offset, they have some amazing papers and usually will sell at really good prices.  These guys are craftsmen too and rarely will you find a printer that will throw quality leftovers and off cuts away!

I layered these on mirror board, also a pint shop find 
Added a sentiment and tassel and
Very easily made 5 

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday week, We are here, enjoying our daughters visit and exploring San Antonio!
Thank you for stopping by,
Ginny M


Carol said…
Absolutely GORGEOUS!! Enjoy your time with your daughter, and exploring your new city. God bless.
Gina H said…
These are beautiful cards! My local printer closed years ago. Have you tried using a Xyron as opposed to the sticky paper? Thanks for sharing!
These are stunning cards Ginny. I have used this technique, and have gone as far as to snaffle an attractive (unused) napkin from a gathering to use. I made one as a thank you card to the hostess of one family function, as she insisted that I take an extra one!

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