Word Art Wednesday and the last Challenge for 2016!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!  I'm sure you all are as busy As I am, can you believe the new year is two days away??  Since the only thing I did for Christmas cards this year was get my paper cut, I have a jump on next year's' Christmas Cards, my paper is cut!!  

I hope you enjoyed all the wonderful Challenges at Word Art Wednesday, I know I did and I look forward to the beautiful new devotions and Scripture verses coming our way for 2016!!
 One big change; we will have two challenges a month in 2016 instead of four.  We really have a heart here at WAW to get the word out and be a blessing to you, having a slightly lighter load will help the team and give you more time to enter the challenges - it is a win - win!!

This week our verse is from Karen Murray and Psalm 139:14

I love this image, I think this young woman just radiates beauty!!  I really struggled with getting her skin tones close to right.  My card was attempt #5.  I am happy with how it came out!!  I did this on watercolor paper.  I tried chalks, watercolor markers and ended up using  alcohol markers and lots of blending solution!!  Her headdress is a tiny bit dimensional,  I was looking for a more realistic look.

I hope you are able to enter this's week's Challenge, there are wonderful prizes and if you mail your card, you will make someone very happy!!
Thank you for stopping by,
Ginny M


SewPaperPaint said…
That really is such a fabulous image! Goes perfectly with the verse. Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my bird tag! <3 I've really enjoyed working with you all this month. Hugs, Autumn
Oh Ginny this is stunning - love your colouring, and she surely is beautiful!
May 2016 bring you many blessings
Wonderful work sis, just brilliantly inspired, clever plus.
May our God bless you richly in 2016,
Shaz in Oz.x
Beautfully colored...actually looks like a photo. Fantastic!!
Beautfully colored...actually looks like a photo. Fantastic!!
Carolyn said…
Glorious card, Ginny. Your coloring is superb! Happy NewYear.

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