Word Art Wednesday and a big change for 2016

It is Word Art Wednesday with another beautiful verse to use for your Christmas cards!  Just in time! With all the changes in my family this year I'm actually not making the majority of my Christmas cards!  I printed 150 and I love them but there is no way I can hand color them in time.  So I will color them and then use them next year, if the Lord tarries!  I have made a few for family and here is one of them using this week's verse by Karen Murray:

This is a very old rubber stamp and I have no idea who made it, I have another one with the right hand descending and I can't find it after the move!

I am very picky about images of angels, and this one I did a lot of rubber removal to make it look male. There is no such thing as a female angel according to scripture, especially the sensuous kind you see so often. 

There will be a few changes over at the Word Art Wednesday blog, one of them being the challenges will now be bi-weekly.  There will be further announcements to follow, but for now there will be two verses given and two challenges offered each month!
I hope you take the time to stop over and read Karen Letchworths' timely devotion, make and enter  a card!  Maybe you will win a prize, but you will make someone smile when you mail your card!
Thank you for stopping by!
Ginny M


Birgit said…
What a beautiful card! The angel images is so perfect for this verse!!
Love this card Ginny - the bacxkgroudn is stunning, and the verse really takes the eye.

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