Strawberry moon and my family

Although a lot of friends and family  read my blog, my main group of readers are overseas. I try to keep the blog informative and fun.  Unfortunately I have someone reading my blog that has a great deal of ill will toward me and my family. In an effort to protect my family I will not be posting about my kids or grand kids. I love them and they are much more important to me than any of the things I am involved in and if anyone that wants to have a relationship with any of us, they need to do so and not troll my blog and then send things in a mysterious manner - this is not the day and age to do that.  So if you and I are friends you will be in the know and will not need to keep up with the personal details on my blog.   I hope this is clear enough.  Enough said .

On to more pleasant things!  Tonight I am working on a new to me embroidery tool:, the punch needle, I am planning on doing a humming bird body  for my Yellow Color study.

And snapping a few pictures of the Strawberry moon!

Thanks for stopping by and for all of you that leave me sweet comments and emails that encourage, Thank you I really appreciate it!!

Ginny M


Lord bless dear Ginny and may He deal with all things in respect to this after His will.. Sorry indeed to read it, but oh I love Gids great creation what an amazing moon shot!
Awesome indeed!
Hugs and prayers, Shaz.x
Marilyn Mathis said…
An amazing picture of the moon. Don't the colors go beautifully together? God is a great artist! Sorry about the problems. Hugs.
Oh Ginny, I hear you - I have had a few nasty experiences through my blog too - praying God will resolve this, and I agree, family is way to precious to expose to this nonsense.
Love the colours in your photograph - God's palette is always perfect!
Crystal Komara said…
Oh wow, what a beautiful photo, Ginny! A strawberry moon it is. And, I'm so sorry to hear that you have had some internet trolls lately. That is just awful. I haven't had to deal with anything nasty yet on my blog and I hope I never do, but my thoughts are with you! Miss you lots!

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