Word Art Wednesday

It has been some time, but I have made a little space to make cards and this one will be going to my Sweet Daughter in Law.
This is one of my favorite verses!   I also love the freebie on the Word Art Wednesday blog!  It is a wonderful stop in your day for a beautiful devotion by Karen Letchworth

Here is my card

Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Hello, my sweet friend and Sister in the Lord, Ginny!!!
I miss you so much, and just LOVE seeing your gorgeous cards shared in our challenge. They make me smile, and it gives me an opportunity to stop by and pray for you and your family. Hope all is well. Please keep in touch, and thanks for playing along with us.
Word Art Wednesday

P.S. You're always most welcome to link up here as well:
Gorgeous card, Ginny, love the pretty soft colours have a number of your beautiful creations around my house and when see them and use your gorgeous cardstock et al gifts, I think of and pray for you. So sorry that it's because Molly is feeling poorly. I pray for her and her precious new little one too for Gods hand of mercy.
Wonderful work dear friend.
I love it and you, prayng sis!!! Shaz in Oz.x
What a gorgeous card Ginny. Love your textures and colours and that wonderful stamp is stunning.

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