New stamp and revisiting old background stamps:coloring with Spectrum Noirs, Zig clean brush pens, watercolor pencils. and freebies

A couple of weeks ago I made an internet impulse purchase. I was offered a 20% off coupon through Stamp Junkies group for Brutus Monroe Brand.  Bait cast and I was caught, plain and simple I hang my head, thankfully it was only 16.00.  If there was any redeeming value to the impulse purchase, it steered me back to my collection of beautiful background stamps. I took a good look at all the beautiful stamps I have and then I re-organized them. Beautiful backgrounds are one of the things I love in stamping.  I think I got sidetracked by all the great paper I use for backgrounds.  So while I was busy with the background stamps I decided to try using a few coloring techniques with my Angie Girl stamp.  That is what I am going to share with you today.  Here is the first card and details to follow

I created this sketch for my Monday CCM group Sketch challenge 

Here is the  New Monroe stamp, clouds - it is a very thick clear stamp

A few favorites I haven't used in a few years by Impression Obsession

Inked up with Distress Oxides - Yummy thick pigment color

With all of these stamps and backgrounds I used my Go to Paper; Heavenly Whites by Paper Temptress The 120# for the bases and 80# for the back ground and stamping

A few more

first Girl in alcohol coloring

Second in pencil

Third Zig clean brush pens

Finished cards with backgrounds

 For this card project, I like the Zigs best and pencils least. So I think I'll sell the pencils and buy more stamps!  

Here are a couple of images for you to play with!

Thanks for stopping By! 
Ginny M


really enjoyed this post and the freebies...thank you...I own several Impression Obsession big background stamps and several Cornish hill farm (or something like that..loved that store) 6x6 stamps...I need to use them more for sure especially after seeing your BEAUTIFUL cards!
What amazing stamps Ginny - so wonderful to be able to custom colour your backgrounds!! I like all your colouring, especially the pencil one :-). Gorgeous cards, and thanks so much for the freebies

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