Journaling On The Way And Be Who God Made You to Be!

 A few weeks ago, I joined a bible journaling Facebook group.  I was looking for Christian women who had a passion for this form of spiritual expression and bible study, new ideas, sharing my ideas, and last but not least like-minded friendship. 

Well, I found all the things I was hoping for in "JOTW".  The group is based in South Africa and owned by the delightful Lynn G. 

Yesterday  Lynn taught a class or page demonstration from a devotion written by Shauna Niequist.    The title of the devotion was "Created on purpose - for a purpose" ( which just happens to coincide with Ingrid Blixit's Open Journey devotion series this month)!    Shauna used the scripture from Job 37:5-6 and Lynn purchased (with license) a terrific image to illustrate each woman's uniqueness, expressing how important it is to become the 'you' that 'you' really are, and not the 'you', you think you should be! 

I think many women struggle with this.  Life has so many demands, and within the church (sadly) a perfectionist attitude towards what the ideal Christian woman should be. Sometimes it would seem we have been set up to fail, you work too hard, and express any frustration- you are called a Martha.  You try to rest and relax and are told you should be a Proverbs 31 woman. 

Thankfully somewhere in my  50's, I said I was done letting everyone else tell me what I am supposed to be and do, and I am going to immerse myself in the purpose God created me for.  Doing that has truly caused me to thrive.  I love my family, I love my church and I do everything I can to see both grow and flourish - and I love it!  In return, I feel loved,  supported, respected, and made room for - yes the bible tells us in Proverbs 18:16  A man's (woman too) gift opens doors for him and brings him before great men.  What a promise!

That promise cannot be fulfilled if you are struggling to be someone you aren't with a gift you don't have.

The illustration that  Lynn used was charming, A young gal wearing a ball gown with cowboy boots and very sweet and a little sassy as opposed to the executive in a corporate environment stuffed in a suit and trapped by the clock. Now I am not condemning the office suit person at all - those gals are just as awesome. I am just trying to say,  to thine own self and to God be true. 

If you would like to take a look at the Journaling Along The Way Group Just click the link. 

The lovely illustration of the young woman is given as a gift along with the devotional and is super to use. 

However, that isn't me or even closer to how I perceive myself, so I found one that was   so here is my page:

There is some resemblance to my looks, I wear my hair like this and I  drew in a little gray, added my glasses, and added the Bible.
I wear clothes like this to church, especially the black turtle neck, which helps cover what 63-year-old woman wants to cover, so maybe me  some years ago.  

The actual painting is in my digital stash, I could not find the original artist ( you can't read the signature) but you can read the date: 1923.

I may do a video on the process in the near future.  I have a few tricks for making a digital look like an oil painting ( surface cover).

Thank you for sharing your time with me and I hope to see you on JOTW, I know you will be blessed and remember:

You are created on purpose - for a purpose!!
Be yourself!

Ginny M


Thank you for the link Ginny - and for your wise words - I am gradually letting go of others expectations and becoming my God crated self, late I know, but liberating all the same.
Loving the image and how you altered it to be what you wanted

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