Fast and Simple Line art

Over at Twist of Faith today's challenge is an easel/pop card.  Check out the blog for inspiration and an opportunity to win a prize from Today's sponsor "Eureka Stamps"!

Now trying to be efficient and make a beautiful card and run around on our last day of vacation, I decided to make my DT card simple.  Several weeks ago I chose my image for the post and after looking at it this morning, I thought this is really a beautiful line drawing, without any color or embellishment.  Personally I love the simple beauty of pen and ink!  So that was my aim on this card:
The humming bird red matches the card liner red, this photographed poorly.  My camera/phone still has a shattered face from a visit to the Smithsonian marble floor..

So I was happy with this simple card,  and started posting and thought oh, wait a minute, there must have been a theme to the days challenge (why don't I verify directions before I start??)
This is supposed to be an easel pop up card!!
So I Googled Easel cards, I don't make many sprain you brain folded, twisted, origami, takes three hours to make it, cards.  I just make too many and I make them because I enjoy making them.  Same with quilting, I make art quilts because I can't follow things like 1/4 seams or nothing lines up right rules!!
This was the simplest tutorial I could find for using what I already made:
This came from Simply Crafts Blog , I am very happy to have found it!!
But, it didn't work for this card, as the dimension weren't right.  So what I did was grab a couple more pieces of card stock and just kept cutting and folding until it looked like the instructions!
It worked!!
I hope you check out Twist of Faith Blog, it is a lot of fun and you will find more samples of easel / pop up cards.
I love this verse from Jeremiah, it is so full of hope and promise!!
I'll have to up date you all tomorrow on my spending fast and share a wonderful Cherry, Date, Pecan Banana Bread Recipe!!
have a great day


Ginny, Your easel card is lovely. Especially the way you left more of the beautiful drawing show off itself with a pop of color. I love it and must try that myself.

I hope you share some of those bread recipes with me.
Barb said…
Cute card--I love the colors you used for the image!
Tracey Fehr said…
Ginny, the hummer just pops now that you've left most of the card uncolored! Just beautiful...I will have to remember this technique sometime...I always just get caught up in the coloring!

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