Summer Fun

On Tuesday, The Twist of faith Blog offers a great themed card challenge, click here.  The twist is to have a scripture or encouraging sentiment to go with the card!   This is a fun way to become inspired, we all need to be stretched creatively!  This week the Challenge is a sketch  and the sponsor is :

                                                                        Digi Darl

Here is my Finished card:

Well that isn't how it started, I made the card and then went to upload it and realized, Duh, I didn't do the sketch challenge, just the sponsor image!
Here it was before:
But the fun thing about digital stamps is that you can play with them and make them work!
Using  the original image I  took out the umbrella person and reversed one side of it, this left me with a big beach scene.  I water colored it and then punched out  the image of the  person from the first card.  Cut in half the beach scene, mounted it on black and then attached the person image
Here is the sketch :
I still wasn't done, I forgot my scripture!!  What was I thinking!!
Now there was no room on the front of the card and I didn't want to start over!
So I put it on the inside!
One of my favorite verses!  Call to me and I will answer!!
Jer: 33:3
Give this sketch a try, it is fun  you might win a prize and it is pretty simple - unless of course you do things the way I sometimes do!!  I am thankful there are no card police!!
Have a wonderful day and Call on the Lord and see what He has to say!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Hi are such a blessing. I love your first brought it to life so beautifully. And the sketch card is fantabulous the way you did the reverse thingee...I love your heart-art...Beautiful
Barb said…
I love your first card as well as your second card! Great Creation!
Tracey Fehr said…
Ginny...this is absolutely stunning! The coloring is amazing! So totally awesome!

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