Monday and "Food for Thought"

Monday  is Friends of Speedy TV challenge time!  Go here for this weeks challenge;
This week the Challenge is "food for thought"! I enjoyed this challenge, I decided to take a more "thoughtful" than "food full" spin on the card.  Using the  Garden Bunny Set from Marks' Finest Papers and Stamps (Here)
I chose the scripture included in the set.

I used a piece of K&Company paper for the card base and a simple ribbon.
I love this verse because it speaks of permanence and blessing. Of having a life that is stable and fruitful; don't we all crave that ?  Of having enough blessing to share,  to enjoy our labors.
I hope you all had a good weekend and that you are blessed this coming week, go on over to speedy TV, enter you for thought card and you might win a stamp set!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Anne said…
Ginny this is gorgeous! I love your creative genius! All your work is so different and inspirational! Thanks for sharing!
Janine said…
Gorgeous card - fruit gets a mention but thought provoking is right.
Davi said…
Ginny GREAT job on the challenge, love the scripture, a perfect use of the theme! Your are right we all want the security and provision ;)
Zella said…
Ginny, this is so beautiful!!!!

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