It is Friday!!

Friday is Tutorial Time at  MFPSpeedy TV, go here for this weeks Tutorial:   It is a tutorial on making snow with Styrofoam!
I didn't have any foam at home, and because I am on a spend fast  (more on that in a minute, it isn't good news either) I used paper scraps, I just rolled up some left over white cards stock and followed the rest of the tutorial!
I used the set Winter Beauty for this card and I did do a little extra drawing on it.  I love this Chicodee, isn't he sweet!  A little snow in July, how can you not love it!!
go on over to Marks' Speedy TV  and check out this fun tutorial, enter and you may even win a free stamp set!!
Okay the good news is
This is not true, I was pretty sure it would eat me, but it didn't!  Day two and I am alive and breathing.  I'm not a size 8 yet, but ya can't have everything in a 3 days, the gym isn't Amazon Prime!
The bad news is I caved:
Yep, I BOUGHT it.  sigh on day 14 I caved in for this sale.  Well, I've got another 45 days to go to be even more successful.  Honestly I don't feel to bad, the images are gorgeous!!!!
here is a sample:
I am making a card with it now (ink is drying on glossy paper) I will up load when it is finished!
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your busy day with me, I thought I would share this beautiful Quote by A.W.Tozer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      "The knowledge that we are never lone calms the troubled sea of our lives and speaks peace to our souls."
Have a great Day,
Ginny M


Pat Garvin said…
Great idea for a styrofoam replacement.
Jane said…
Really pretty card!!! Such a great idea for the snow too!
Davi said…
Beautiful card Ginny, Love the image and your great snow replacement and not as messy I bet :)
Lagene said…
Beautiful Ginny! Great improvising!

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