Using it up and great freebie!!

Hectic weekend here, snowing one minute, Raining the next! Late Friday afternoon I was out side taking care of the yard and as I was on the snow walking around our deck, I hit a patch of ice that was hidden by a dusting of snow.  Yes I went flying, rather majestically. Luke thought I must have been playing why else would I yell , and have my arms and legs going in different directions?  As you can guess I was pretty sure all of my neighbors were watching me, I Jumped up as fast as I could only to have 160lbs of Luke tackle me.  For some strange reason I seem incapable of bruising, so I have all the ouch and not one purple mark to prove it.  Good thing I am sturdy!!                                                I knew I should have stayed inside!!
I did manage to get a few 'Use it up challenge" cards made,  The 8  I made this weekend brings the new total of cards made from scraps to 118.  118 cards in about 5 weeks just using scrap and leftovers!
Here they are :
The next cards were made using leftovers and  a special font!
The font is called Geisha and You can acquire it here at Dafont and best of all it is Free!!!!
There are two fonts on the page if you click to go over.
Here are several  cards I made using them - printed out at 250pts, 275 pts and you have an ATC card!
Here they are after printing:
The font has a very heavy black border which I trim away:
But are these great or what!!!????  Just thought I'd pass this along to you!  I have been using Dafont for years and never had any problems with the sight at all
This is what my scrap and left overs is looking like:
Three bins on the shelf over the counter I stand to work at.
Ribbons scrap, printed cardstock and solid card stock
and one shoebox size of leftovers.
I have to be honest with you, 118 cards later and I seen no end in sight!!!
I was tempted to just throw it all in the trash and then I thought no, I really want to see how many I can get made and this is a lot of fun!!
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Carla said…
Wonderful cards Ginny.
Now get those baskets emptied :o)
Anne said…
WOW! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity...and now with your acrobatic stunts in the snow....Beautiful cards and so many! I haven't made one yet!!!!!
Thanks for sharing and well done you! xxx
Jan Castle said…
Lovely cards have inspired me to use my stash of scraps that I don't give to Carol to use at church, along with swap cards, etc. which she sends to shut-ins. Waste not, want not my Mother used to say! You are using your scraps in a wonderful way with great pleasure I am sure!!!
Hi Ginny, I am so glad you didn't really injure yourself in that slip! The Use It Up cards are really coming along beautifully. I especially liked the lighthouse one. Take care!

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