WOYWW #241

Midweek already and where did this week go?? Who knows, But it is time to take a peek at crafty friends work desks around the world!  Start here at Julia's Stamping Ground for a fun world wide tour!
My desk today is providing  triple duty!  
The Card I am making is for OSA Challenge # 255, It is my Feb. 'Red and Goodie' swap card for the  Addicted to Card Making Group and it is on my work desk, finished for today!
For the ACM swap the card had to have a red heart on it somewhere, and you send/receive  a baggie of fun red stash!
Here is my Standing work desk, a mess as usual when everything is in progress...
Card in progress
The OSA challenge required that it have at least one Asian stamped image on it, the USA swap required a red heart.  The top layer of red is actually a piece of silk on sticker paper that I fist cut with my Ecraft machine  and then adhered the fabric and trimmed with sure sharp scissors.
This is the "Goddie" bag.  I am new to this group so I have no idea of how much stash is exchanged in these swaps, I hope who ever gets it is happy!!
And back to "neat and tidy"
It is 5 am here and The day is calling! 
I hope you have a great day!  Enjoy the hop if you have time!!
Ginny M


Lisa-Jane said…
Goodness didn't you do well clearing up! I love the silk papers you've used and the finished design too - very pretty. #41
Belinda said…
Oh what a beautiful card. I like the red shades. Now in my dreams I create some beautiful craft and then clean up after I finish. In reality...well let's just say the word tidy would not be used to describe my desk. Come see for yourself.

Have a blessed day!
Belinda (67)
BJ said…
Ohh the goodie bag looks delicious and no calories either - heaven. The Psalm 52 challenge is a free weekly one found here
if she doesn't update this page try the HOME page. There are good printouts too. We have started a small FB group if you are interested as the one associated to this and my other yearly challenges got too big, let me know. You might be interested in the Ephesians challenge starting soon too

Thanks for the visit BJ#2
Julia Dunnit said…
OOh Ginny you're an early bird! I think the red card and the asian influence and the inclusion of the heart is genius..way to combine the challenge. Your recipient will love the red goodie bag, I would say it's the perfect size for a swap. I am also super impressed that you actually possess and can find sure sharp scissors!!
RosA said…
I would be very happy to receive that goodie bag! It looks great! Love the Asian designs!
Thanks for dropping by earlier,
RosA # 1
Jan said…
Even your works in progress desk looks neat....mine right now is a mess - in the midst of 5 projects (that's 4 too many at one time)!
You can come clean my studio and give me pointers anytime - LOL!
peggy lin said…
What a pretty card!
Happy WOYWW #101
505whimsygirl said…
Hi Ginny,

At 5:00 a.m. my bed would be calling!! Your card is very nice - love the shape of it. Also, whoever receives the goodie bag will be very happy, I'm sure.

I think it was you that left the comment on my post about your grandmother being a professional lace maker from Italy. How very cool. I hope you have some of her creations!!

Thank you for visiting me!
Peace, Kay (3)
Hi Ginny, Yup, it's Friday and I'm just getting 'round to checking out WOYWWer blogs! I didn't even get one done this week, it's just been too busy for me and sadly, yes, I miss doing it! Have a great weekend!
Tertia said…
You are so good, cleaning up after yourself. The desk looks great!
The card is awesome too and the goodie bag looks fab.
Happy very belated WOYWW!
Tertia #77
Mary R. said…
Ginny , your cards are breathtaking , they are so beautiful thank you for sharing.


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