Workdesk Wednesday and the on going global blog hop! It all starts here at Julia Dunnits blog.  Hop over to join the fun!

My work desk today is a mobile work desk, I'm at stamp camp here!!
From that pile came this cute card:

 My work desk at home is covered with about 100 butterflies that I'm fussy cutting for cards.
I distinctly remember saying I was not going to do things in batches anymore but alias I did!!
I'll  post those cards later when they are done!
I hope you have time to browse the artful desks presented around the world. I especially plan to linger in the places that it is warm!! Hello Oz!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day! 
Ginny M


Peg Robinson said…
Love those love birdies. Have a good week! Peg R #13
trisha too said…
Stamp Camp?? That sounds fabulous!

Happy WOYWW to you, have a wonderful time!
#21 this week
with a BIG mess
sandra de said…
How wonderful to get together with like minded souls and create. Love the card and looking forward to seeing what you do with the 100 butterflies.
Sandra @8
Regina Hamilton said…
100 butterflies, wow. I can't wait to see what you create with them. I love that cute card. #3
Paper rainbow said…
What a sweet couple :)I do so love owls!

Julia Dunnit said…
Ginny, am jealous of you being at stamp camp, how fun! As for fussy cutting for batches.... Well I guess it's in your comfort zone and that's not a bad thing!
oh Ginny trying not to be green at stamp camp... glad u r having a break you deserve it...all those fussy cutting. oh and THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!

Postie called today at our box...with your parcel this time it made it to Oz. :D
Was over moon you had included some of that special delicious Strathmore too as well as fav navy and the envelopes. Had made three cards for gift with that Strathmore and fell in love with it again. Thanks sis on mobile not well still so in bed writing this will get on computer tomorrow God willing. Wasn't going to do WOYWW then yr and Di's parcel came today so had to share it. lv Shaz.xxxxxxxxx ps welcome anytime in warm summery Oz and stay as lomg as you like :D
CraftygasheadZo said…
Aw cute card! Take care Zo xx 64
Hi Ginny, I didn't join up with WOYWW this week, I never even thought about taking a picture at stamp camp last night! Must be that psychosis thing! : ) Hugs xo!
Karin said…
Beautiful card.
Happy Wednesday,
Karin 104
glitterandglue said…
A cute card, Ginny. Well done.
Have a great week.
Margaret #39
Lunch Lady Jan said…
Lol, I LOVE that owl Valentine card...it's hoot ;-)
Hugs, LLJ 51 xx
okienurse said…
busy desk and such a cute card. I remember telling my self to limit batch numbers to just 5-10 but like you ended up doing much more recently ... Have a great week. Vickie aka Okienurse #111
Kelly said…
Cute card. I've decided I must have that punch and it's on my next order. Have fun with the gang!
Creative Blessings - Kelly #92

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