What I did and did not get done

Over the weekends I am trying to make cards using my leftovers and stash.  This weekend I didn't even open the bins!  What I did get done were two set of 60 cards for my church. While I made 120 card I have very little from it to go into the scrap bin.  3 4x4 squares and 10 4x6 squares to be exact!
Here's what I made on Saturday:
an invitation to a ladies day
The inside:
front being worked on
This batch of 60 took about 3 hours and were a lot of fun to make!
The next set is a batch of anniversary cards: Inside
These are very simple 2 layers on a 5x7 card base, I used this stack for the background layer:
I picked it up at Hobby Lobby with a 50% coupon.  I picked a light weight paper for this project in an effort to make sure the postage stays under 1 ounce. Plus I was looking for that distressed vintage look - this helped make these cards very fast to work up about another 3 hours.


The Strathmore 110# paper gave these cards a very elegant look and feel. The card will be mailed in a winter white gold foil lined envelope.
Steve is working on my kitchen rehab and it is looking wonderful!
 Another busy day here, I hope you have a good one and thank you for stopping by to share the day!
Ginny M


Anne said…
I am amazed at your productivity! It can take me more than 3 hours just to make one card! Usually that just trying to decide what and how to make it! I love all your cards, the images are lovely and the simple layouts are so elegant. Bravo mon amie, bravo!
Jan Castle said…
Okay SPEEDY...I'm with Anne - at least a couple of hours to make one card! You are Amazing Ginny!!!! It is truly inspiring!!!
Holy mass quantity of cards, Ginny! You never cease to amaze me. But, that is a lot of cards in a matter of two days!
what a mass of cards, Ginny, think i would be blown away if visited your workroom in such a whirlwind of activity. Shaz in oz.x
Are the two pictures from a Dover book? Could you tell me which ones? I tried to find the book where you posted one of your pictures a few posts ago and couldn't find it on the Dover web site. I don't know how you manage to get so many cards done. Sometimes it takes me all day just to make one card.

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