Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day Everyone!!

I hope you have a wonderful day with friends, family or what ever you like best!! I celebrate our independence day also but I can't help but think of my true independence and It's declaration:

 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed
John 8:36 
Thank you for stopping by,
Ginny M


Mehrll said…
Wonderful thought and state to be in. Set free by the Son of God! Have a great weekend
Ah Ginny we truly are free from the penalty of our sin and eternal punishment through faith in our Lord Jesus. No matter where we live in this world we can all live in the light of this freedom by faith in Him. Sweet Lord Jesus Christ thank you so much for your wonderful gift of freedom. May all who read this blog lnow that real freedom.
Shaz in Oz x

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