Labels Templates

We all love the fancy labels for our cards, but if you are like me, you don't always feel like getting out a machine to make one and then stamp on it!

So  I disigned and easy digital set! Tthese can be re-sized to any size you like and you can insert your Digi sentiments and scriptures into these as well as using rubber stamps. I will put the "labels in the B+W photo album after I load here. Enjoy! I think you are going to like this and they are very easy to cut out!!

Here is a sample card , using one of my background give - aways from last week!

I hope you like these -great for stamping and also inserting digital sentiments  !!
Have a great day and thank you for stopping by!!
Ginny M


thanks for these Ginny but to be honest prefer my dies as they seem to be quicker too me.. :D
...but I love how you used them that is for sure! it a is beautiful card. .. you sure are a busy girl for one who is on hols! Every blessing, Shaz in oz.x

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