New Normal?

So what is the New Normal??  Every time I think I get close to "Normal" it become another dot on the horizon line!  Since we've been back we've been busier than ever! I've been putting a lot of time in at Letterpress Things and that work is going well; busy running my groups, making and organizing Cards for Troops and Chemo Angels, and a half dozen different things.  I find my self thinking Summer is so hectic, it will be nice when winter gets here and I don't run so much.  I think I said 6 months ago I can't wait for summer, I'm tired of being inside and cooped up. anyone else??  So instead I think I will just enjoy today, stop looking  to see how close that dot on the horizon is!

Tomorrow I'm hosting a card party!  I will have 7 ladies here making cards.  Each friend will make 5 cards, have a light supper and hopefully have a great time!  I'm looking forward tot eh cardmaking and even more the friendship, these are all long time friends!!  The admission price top this is a book of stamps to help me keep things in the mail!

This is what my room looks like right now:   It is like this on every surface!

Here are the sample of the cards that will be made:

In the kits waiting for tomorrow

           I'll take a picture after the party is all set up!!  I am really looking forward to this get together!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Carolyn said…
What a great idea! Love the cards you will be making too. Would you please share the source of your verse stamps. They are hard to find and many of yours would work for several themes.

Hi Ginny, hope all is well. Feels like forever since we last spoke! I was off on vacation last week and know you were recently too, so hope life is treating you good, though it sure sounds like you are even busier than "normal!" Though I always thought you were crazy busy to begin with. Hugs, Crystal
Ah Ginny wonderful work love the peace card too very suitable image and verse. Shaz in Oz.x

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