An effort of peace in your corner of the world.

I was reading in proverbs 25 today.  There is a very intriguing verse; 25:11

    A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
 (some translations use the word settings like place settings)

        A picture something like this comes to mind:

But what does it mean?  With out going into a diatribe long enough to send you into a coma.

It means a sincere word of encouragement is rare and beautiful and precious to the person who receives it.  

  Regardless of the fact that man does not record every word spoken God does and I want to speak the mercy he has so freely given me, to someone who needs it.  We all know who that person is. It the persons that we live with, work with, bump into.  It is the spouse that is having a bad day, the child that didn't get that nap., the teenager who feels the worlds colliding, the parent that can't keep up.  It is even you, look in the mirror and tell your self to breath. Tell your self , tell your family Jesus loves them, Show them by your love for them He has the whole world in His hands. Give them a golden apple, a little unexpected treasure in their day.  Like Mikey said, try it you'll like it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Ah you're reading a proverb a day I think maybe sis. I love proverbs. And I've always loved this verse. So nice nay uplifting to meditate upon it.
Hugs, Shaz.x
Marilyn Mathis said…
How wonderful are words "fitly spoken". Words can kill or heal. Thanks for the beautiful illustration. Hugs.
Thank you for sharing this Ginny - yes, our words do have power, and that is why we are admonished to control our tongues, and thoughts, so often in scripture.
dcparham said…
quick, random visit here. i've always loved Proverbs, and this verse very much, too! the imagery is great! here in Raleigh, NC our pastor Lynton Turkington from Australia has godly character and speaks so very well. i'd love to find him some apples of gold in settings of silver!
Ginny Maxam said…
You can, just tell him you love and appreciate him, and are thankful that he is your pastor. appreciation goes a long way to those in service!
Glad you found me!
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