A little G45 ish

I had to do a swap this week using a g45 stamp, any g45 stamp.  I have a bunch so that was going to be an easy swap.  Except on thing, the stamps were packed and sealed.  And I wasn't about to start unpacking and looking for one stamp.  I had a backup plan.
I own  a copy of the public domain art the stamp came from in the first place!  Here it is, you can have it too!
 I have some crafty stuff unpacked, but not much. I really wanted to make a card with a lot of pop.  There are so many card makers out there and so many tutorials and demos and don't even get me going on cas-ing and Pinterest - you card makers know what I mean!!  I wanted this to also be a little different!  When you only have scraps to work with you really do become a little more clever.

I wouldn't have reached for this specialty as a first choice :
I just added a little ink and it became quite special!!

But that still leaves me with the image and a LOT of white space, I'm really not fond of white space unless it is a CAS card. 

So I fussy cut the image, glittered her dress, found a feather and made a boas.

Then I dug in my odd paper drawer and found this tissue paper - perfect! 

and here is my finished g45ish card!
the "stamped" image is on foam tape. 

I hope you can find some time to create this weekend, save yourself the stampede at the craft store and use what you've got!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M

I'm also entering this card on a new to my challenge blog called 'Jest Keep On Creating' Check it out!


thank you for the freebie Ginny, and I must say your finished card is not only very creative, but absolutely stunning!!
Hadn't heard of G45 images, lovely olde worked feel well done indeed, Ginny!!
Thanks for sharing,
Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Cathy said…
I love this, what an awesome card. Wow, so awesome. Is G45 for the year 1945 or what? Now you have me curious LOL which isn't hard to do LOL

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