What to do with Bits

"Bits"  in the card making world are all those extra things that are printed, stamped, cut out, put aside and saved for some day.  I had a giant drawer of bits, I didn't want to get rid of them because I actually do use then.  Donna G if you read this, these bits are nothing like scraps that you know I have no problem  tossing!

I wanted to make sure I had them packed in order to use them when I unpack.  In my world that makes sense.

I had accumulated a large drawer filled with all these bits. Stamped and printed images, ephemera, partially made card fronts, all kinds of things in perfect condition and ready to use.

So I sorted it into the small sterilite 12x12 drawers

Black and White images

Color images

 sentiments that are already backed plus images that are backed and ready to be made into a card

The all fit into my storage unit
Ready to use

I actually enjoy an afternoon of assembling cards like this especially if I have a friend or two over to share the time and stuff with me!

I hope you find this little organizational tip helpful!

Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Pamela Duncan said…
I've been waiting to see what your suggestions were... mine is a little more massive. On to plan B for me...😉
Oh my goodness, I was just having a chat with some crafty friends Friday. After making a 200 card order I was going to trash the scraps, but i will definitely be using this system. Thanks for sharing!!

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