Yep, my beautiful challenge #199 for OSA was rejected ( I heard you, 'I told you so')  Okay well technically the background was disqualified.  I wasn't supposed to use the image just the colors and in all fairness I think I knew that from the beginning.  So I did want to submit something and I made a new card.  very similar to the first. With the second entry however I used glossy cardstock and a brayer which I had to make a note to self "do this more often" the background came out really pretty.  I did take more photos but somewhere in the events of he days I lost them from my camera.

I tried embossing a flourish , but it was to dominate and I wasn't able to stamp over it well.  So I used a MS glittery pearl paint, brushed it on to my Bamboo background stamp and stamped.  That had the right look and texture.  It didn't over power the bird and it was easy to stamp over.

I added a diamond glitter paint to it, it is drying in these pictures , still looks a little globby .

I used a Neenah solar white 100# for the bases.
My Husband is being so kind to use his day off to light up my life in yet another manner, more lights in my studio!!  He Is Just the BEST!! 
Thanks you for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!


ah Ginny he is the best no too ways about it - send him OS to fix up some bits and bobs over here, huh??
Ar, what a shame but actually do agree they did have to put their foot down and what you came up with is soooo much better love it well done thanks for sharing Shaz in Oz.x
Maxam Made said…
Thank you Shaz, he is the BEst and so sorry, Not Sharing!!! well unless I go with him I'd (we'd) love to go to OS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your really think it's better?

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