Show and Tell in the Mail room

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Lots of incoming in the last couple of days!  I thought I'd share the beautiful cards I've been happy to receive as well as a couple of swap cards!
The Swap cards were from Oriental Stamp Arts, and the swap was a Geisha cards kit swap.  In this swap you receive a card and a kit of the same basics to try making one of your own!
I did two swaps!  The first on was from Fran:
This car was so beautiful and  complicated in the folds I knew I'd need a brain transplant before I'd be able to recreate it, so I made this one with my kit:
I was striving for an oil paint portrait look.
The next card/kit was from Thrifty Stamper
Plus she sent me these beautiful Stamps from Marks - Her stamps in the cards  were also from Marks.
Aren't they Beautiful!!
My card from the kit.  Now mine is much simpler, Thrifty's was so perfect....
Next I received :
This was sent to me by Mary R.  These Butterflys were the Give Away digi's I offered a couple weeks ago week.  Let me know if you'd like them, I'd be happy to send it to you!!!! Isn't this post card stunning!!
I received from Emily, a black plus gray swap card, also from OSA!
From Wendy, a swap card from the Brush Strokes mingle, also OSA:
A last and longest traveling, a post card from China !! Sent to me from Sonia!
I am so touched to have received this gift!!
I hope you all have a great day with lots of your own happy incoming mail!!
Ginny M


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