Steve told me to use the word Epiphany
So I had an Epiphany, Last night, at 1 am. Last week when we took our book binding class the only adhesive we used was good old glue. Yes, very good, made for paper crafting glue, but glue non the less.
I picked up the little book to check to see if all was still nicely stuck to where it is supposed to be stuck. No wrinkling or bumpiness. It was still lovely. So I decided to try making a card using a glue I bought last June at the Heirloom stamp show. I asked the booth owner for a really good glue for paper crafting, something that I could use in place of my hot glue gun - getting a little tired of sizzling my finger tips. Last nightI made one card and tried the "secret" and the card came out perfect!!!!
Now I know some of you don't care and I get that . But I've made almost 400 cards in January and I have to think about ways to keep the unseen elements cost down. It all that adds up. I want my cards to be really nice and that takes high quality supplies. I have found ways to purchase high end card stocks for 25 cents a pound and envelopes for a similar price, and I need to do that because I may make 5000 cards this year. I enjoy the whole process of the card making, but the whole point is the People I send the cards too! The less I spend on unseen supplies the more I will have for quality papers and postage.

I've had a case of this I've been using that I purchased last summer, along with some more from other sales and finds. I've noticed I am going through about 10-12 rolls a week. The ATG tape works pretty good for most applications, unless you have textures then that requires a more heavy duty adhesive. Some people use score tape. I use a Uline product called Hi Tack double sided film tape 60 yards per roll. One of these rolls costs 11.00 + shipping. One of these rolls do last a very long time so I don't feel the price is high compared to the use and value.
The best price I could find of the name brand score tape was 7.80 for 27 yards on Amazon (prime)
I prefer the 1/2 wide tape for this "score" tapes.
I've used lots of glues in the past and still use some glue for some things now, but I wanted one glue to hold them all (why is the phrase "One ring to rule them all floating in my brain?")
Not it is not precious, it is glue.
So I reached for the glue that I had started to use instead of my hot glue gun.
It is called Crafter's pick by Api
This company several other types of glue and I've just read very good reviews on them. This however is the only one I have and have tried.
At the Stamp show a 8oz bottle was $7.30 ; on amazon it is $7.90 (prime - no shipping)
I've had this one bottle since June 1st and some how it is not all dried up and unusable!
Gary Burlin himself told me that this glue was practically the solution for world piece. Of course he thought I would need a gallon of it. So I sprang for the $7.30 and brought it home. A long time ago before roll on adhesives I used a product called FrameWeld (purchased through Dick Blick art supplies), used in the framing world, This glue reminds me of that glue.
The whole Secret trick we learned in the book binding class to use waxed paper to burnish with! You have to burnish no matter what adhesive you use, using the waxed paper made this task so simple, it just glides over the papers smoothing it out perfectly!!
So I'm going to show you what I did, the first batch of cards were all made last night using heavy papers. They look perfect today! All layers were glued excepted the sentiments that had dimensional tape.
smooth paper layer glued on textured Strathmore paper, I would have used score tape for the bottom layer on the card base. No problems with adhesion using the glue . No warping or rippling
I made two versions of this card and you can see, nice crisp surface and the bow glued down
The butterflies as well as layers were glued on with the ultimate glue. very strong adhesion and no burned fingers! The base layer on the glitter paper stuck without problem. I would have used a core tape on that, the ATG just isn't strong enough for those papers with heavy texture, glitter and gloss finishes.
Clean and even no ATG goobers on the edges!
This card had a layer of texture on dry embossed high gloss paper. The yellow layer was also a bit fragile and in the past would not hold up to the ATG gun rolling the tape on it. I also used the glue to adhere the Velum paper to the DP layer. No show through and no problem holding.
Nice and flat
Multi layers- no bumps, perfectly smooth.
I made this card for a sick niece who loves vintage things. With this card I was able to all these layers on the high gloss glitter and corrugated paper. No problems, this is also a 'Use it up' card.
Those were last nights cards.
So a little earlier I thought I would make a card with papers that were lighter.
These were all under 65#. I am very happy to say it preformed just as well wit the light papers.
So I'm going to walk you through the gluing process so you can see what I did.
maybe this will work for you , maybe not but as they say, nothing ventured nothing gained!
first layer, this ended up being to much glue and I ended up having a couple of bumps. I think the bottle was a little clogged.
flip and burnish. Yes I wash a lot of dishes!
This paper is the thin designer paper that come in a stack of 500 sheet for 14.95 - THIN!
or something like that....
Looks good But
I see two bumps - to much glue unevenly spread out Bumps at the scissors points
Mary Farrington/
Can you tell me more/explain about why the burnishing?
Jackie 33