Yesterday I told you it was 55 degrees and raining , not just raining, but pouring! Today it is 5 degrees and we have a wind chill alert. In three days we have seen the temp go up and down 50 degrees! That is unheard of around here!  Okay weather reporting done for the day!

Happily today I get to go around the world on a desk to blog hop, staying inside nice where it is nice warm with a cuppa!  If you'd like to join in the fun starts at Julia's blog in the UK! 
Last week I need to apologize to my fellow hoppers as I was unable to get around to everyone's desk and leave a little love.. to much going on and then we had snow!!!  I'll do better this week!

Here's my desk today:
I am participating in a  4 for 4 card swap for Oriental Stamps Arts and the theme is "Pagoda"

I wanted to keep this really simple, I printed a background paper from SherryKdesigns on yellow paper.  I'm not sure who makes this pagoda harbor stamp but it is tricky to use.  I used rangers 231 solvent ink on Kromekote paper.

A little hard to see as I photo'd them in their plastic bags for the swap.  I like this very much as it is simple!  The card base is a Strathmore 87# smooth warm white and the printed cardstock is a 65# smooth light yellow, I think it is a Wausau paper. I did a little coloring with Tim Holtz markers, they work great on the Kromokote paper!

I made this card yesterday for my a friend who gave me a wonderful can of real Maple syrup she picked up on a trip to Montreal.  If you ever see me with a sign, "will work for food" believe it, I will!


Yes I crack myself up!

The background paper which looks like a Philip Morris design is a G45 from the couture collection and the image is a digital I made.

 Lastly I wanted to show you some of the Christmas gifts that I made and had on my desk for WOYWW#238:
 from this deluge of paper crafting came these
these are books of scripture that I made, 365 - one for every day

There were three more of these that I forgot to take a picture of, I made 7 altogether.

These are simple journals that I made for two of my younger friends!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the rest of the hop!
Ginny M


Well lots going on Ginny and not just the weather. .
Love the pagoda cards.. great design.
And thoughtful pressies. Happy WOYWW.Shaz in Oz.x No number yet.
Well lots going on Ginny and not just the weather. .
Love the pagoda cards.. great design.
And thoughtful pressies. Happy WOYWW.Shaz in Oz.x No number yet.
Sandy said…
I love your journals they are awesome and I bet they where loved by the recipients.. The card that you did with the blue lady on it lol how funny.
Sandy :) #3
Lunch Lady Jan said…
The weather has been wild all over the world, I think.....it sure has in the UK the past week. Love your cards and some very nice Christmas presents :-)
Hugs, LLJ 2 xx
Alison Wade said…
Happy WOYWW - and definitely stay inside if you can. If it wasn't for the animals, I would definitely hibernate in the winter - or move to Lanzarote! Love all of the wonderful crafty things you have made. Ali x #15
You are better than me :) I have SUCH a hard time letting go of stuff I make. But they are lovely - the pagoda card is very pretty, but I am a sucker for an empty book so that is where my eye is drawn. Lovely desk full of goodness.

Happy WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (3)
Ria Gall said…
Hi Ginny
you have been so busy and have made some beautiful pieces I love the sentiment stamps that you have used on them as well. So many pretty pieces
Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
Hugs Ria #6
Andrea said…
What stunning journals they are beautiful gifts and sure the recipients would have been over the moon.I love the simplicity of the pagoda cards ..great design and composition . hope the crazy weather settles have a good week crafty hugs Andrea #18
DeDe Haysom said…
Wow! You have been busy, you make me feel positively exhausted. Love your cards and journal covers. Congrats on being number one...
Happy crafting, have a great week

DeDe 31
Julia Dunnit said…
Oh Ginny your gifts are just gorgeous, I've no doubt that all seven recipients are overwhelmed by them. Love the pagoda cards - they speak of serenity, huh.
Anne said…
Goodness me you have been very busy- puts me to shame. All of your cards are so lovely. Journals look great as well. I am just venturing into the world of making/keeping a journal!! Not sure I'm gong to get to that standard :-) Anne #41
Robyn said…
Inspired by your beautiful journals!! So glad I stopped by! May you be richly blessed.
Yippee! Woo hoo! Atta Girl! Way to go on the #1 spot!

Have a great day, Ginny!
Glenda Brooks said…
You have a lot going on and not just the weather. We too are experiencing very cold temps...we are at 6 degrees this morning. Love your cards!

Glenda #43
Tertia said…
The weather seems to have gone crazy everywhere! Over here we are dying of heat.
Love those books and journals.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #50
Winnie said…
Wow, you sure have been busy! Love your cards. The pagoda is just beautiful (love the scene you created). The funny ones were just what I needed on a brutally cold day to just chuckle. Love the mix of humor with the elegant look. The butterfly card is so elegant too! Winnie#44
Gita said…
This cold weather is horrible. Even down south we've been in below 0 temps with the wind chill. Love your swap cards and the one you made for your friend. The background paper on that one is gorgeous and the lady image is too funny when you open it up. :-) Brigita #80
Roberta B said…
Wow.. you have a lot going on. All very very lovely stuff, mine is not near as nice but maybe someday..lol And yea this wealther is nuts.. We cant seem to get out of it no matter how far we go. And now it's almost time to go back to Ohio. yukie thought. Any way thanks for the peek. Roberta 47
butlersabroad said…
The weather is really funky isn't it? We're freezing our behinds off in Michigan, it was -17F Tuesday morning when I wet to work, today is a balmy 2F by comparison! Love all your beautiful makes on display, it's good weather to stay indoors and do something creative.

Brenda 66
Elizabeth said…
Lovely newsy post, Ginny. After the storms and gales we are having a day of brief respite - even the sun has been out for much of it - so sorry to read that you are suffering the bad weather now. The cards and books are all lovely - you have been busy. Keep warm and stay safe. Elizabeth x #71
Jackie said…
You have been very busy with those 7 books of quotes and all the cards!
Weather is a strange thing ... It changes so quick bet we will have snow in the UK next week!
Jackie 7
lisa said…
The weather is all over the place isn't it? I hope you are keeping warm.
What a lovely desk to nosey around, I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit. Your cards are stunning, love the Pagoda and the gifts you have made are beautiful, how lucky your friends and family are to receive such treasures.
Hugs Lisax #17
Jan Castle said…
Just rainly here in Salem, OR, but cold...thankfully not freezing! Your blue lady card is lovely...then when you see the inside you just have to laugh - great take on the subject Ginny! The pagoda cards are wonderful too...don't have any pagoda stamps - really like this one - if you ever find out who makes it, please let me know!
okienurse said…
great looking desk and I love all those cards! the just too much one made me roll on the floor though! Thanks for Sharing....Hope you have a great week. Vickie #104
Vikki said…
WOW!! Your cards are stunning and I love the extra 'weight' from eating too much maple syrup!! I would work for food too heehee. Vikki #108
Angela Radford said…
You have been busy, gorgeous cards.
The weather here has been wet and sunny but not as cold as you might expect for the time of the year unlike parts of America. It's probably a good reason to stay in and craft. Angela x

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