Bucket List
I have a serious post today, It was a serious though that I woke up with. I hope it is one you will consider and reflect on.
Recently on Facebook I read two posts both by friends ( real friends - people that I have a real relationship with - not "friends" I have logged into a box) The first one was " 15 things people wished they had spent more time doing before they died. Now that seems a little fishy because in order for it to be accurate, the reporter would have to have been having conversations with the Dead.
The Second post was some of my other friends talking about what was on their "Bucket Lists"
Now I want to tell you, I love life, I have a totally awesome marriage, great family that I enjoy, friends who love me most of the time, fruit and veggies on the table every day- I am thankful. I am not a stoic who eats cold oatmeal every day and waits for the grimm reaper.
That being said I want to say this.
With the first posting not one Christian that commented on this mentioned they would like to spend more time in a relationship with the Lord, more time reading the Word of Life, more time spreading the gospel .
And this bucket list thing- I get it , there are things people want to do and maybe should do them, but not if it means neglecting their soul.
My point is this the Adversary of our soul would distract us from that which brings life,
Relationship with Jesus and The Word of God
It say in Luke: It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
Be Careful of your soul, you are investing in your eternity here and now.
Don't be distracted by the temporal events and promises of this life -whether it is work or play!
Walk with God and you Life will be blessed. Know Him and you will have Peace and Joy.
I digitized two scriptures for today for you to use.
You are a light house to those in darkness. Turn up your lamp let the Word light the way!
Thanks for stopping by
Ginny M