Great weekend traveling!

Now back to the routine!  I love to travel and I love to come back home!  I'll be working for a few days catching up from the last 5 away from home!

It is Batik week on my FB group so I'll be working with Batiks here too!   I love batiks!

I have a whimsical card for you today!

The transparent verse from Ps.8:9

This Guy, I printed out in three sizes

on a printed designer paper, I also heat embossed him - yes you can do that with a printed image, you just have to work fast!

Background paper

My Card:

I used a clear glittery nail polish on the fish and a rhinestone for the eyes!

Thanks for stopping by and Enjoy the freebies!
Ginny M


Mehrll said…
Glad you are back home and working hard! :) I will try embossing with my printer but it uses ink very sparingly so I am not sure I will be able to. I hope so because there are things I'd like to print and emboss. Lovely card. You are so creative. Hugs.
Jen Evers said…
Awesome, love this, thanks for sharing how you put it together with the pics and freebies! xoxo Jen
Mm tried to comment on my mobile but not go! boy the cheapie tests my patience (it sadly might just happen to be zero??!!) - cant wait till get the problem with other sorted :D .. whinge over :D
love this digi .. was scrolling down and though you were going to overlay it onto the image as lent itself to that.. but nooo!
.... must say am tempted to give it a go as have an idea floating but trouble is not on "my must do list"
.. ah well. :D thanks for sharing and being so inspiring, Shaz in oz.x

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