Word Art Wednesday and a freebie background paper

Today seems to be one of those day I am going in all different directions and once and at the same time getting nowhere!  I am getting somewhere it just seems like I'm not.  Ever have on of those days?  It makes me think of the verse that says : For we walk by faith, not by sight:  So much of the time we look for the results of our actions, we look for evidence that what we are doing is good.  And we do not see it.  It is there and it is good, it just remains invisible to our perception. There is another verse that tells us:  And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.   I think we need to hold on to that when it comes to our service in this life  and that which is to come.  When it comes to raising our children, building a legacy, when it comes to standing for what is right.  We shall reap blessing.

Word Art Wednesday Blog brings us s beautiful new verse every week, they are sowing the Word, grace and mercy.  I love to enter this challenge because it has a wonderful purpose and share the purpose of this blog.  I encourage you to go to the blog and read the devotion, make a card with the verse, enter the challenge and then mail the card!

Here is my entry along with a background paper for you!

The verse from WAW

my paper for you:

My card entry:

Thank you for stopping by and may God bless the works of your hand!!
Ginny M


Oooh, I love the new autumn photo for the header of the blog. So pretty. And so is the beautiful flower (pink slipper??) not sure of my flower kingdom, but I love the color combination and the glittery sparkles! Happy Friday, Ginny!
Mehrll said…
Such a pretty card and I want to use that background paper soon. Hugs.
This is absolutely Stunning, Ginny, and seeing the word art used so beautifully is a great joy for me. I really want you to know how genuinely grateful I am that you share your wonderful creations with us each week. It means so much to me, and I can't say thank you adequately. Have a great week, and I hope to see you share with us again soon.
God bless you,
Word Art Wednesday
The colors are so vibrant, the layout is also magnificent. Your art is such an inspiration to so many Ginny and your generous gifts each week are also a big blessing. Thank you for posting your beautiful art with us this week during our 156th challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Carole

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