Guy Card

I make a lot of masculine cards. we have a lot of men at church that I do birthdays for plus several other lists, cards for troops and Chemo Angels and I have lots of male relatives! I don't make anything cute or cartoony for anyone over the age of 10!

I do do both "religious" in nature and non "religious" cards.  I get quite a few thanks from the men in my life, they like to tell me the card was really manly and then I get a bicep shot or something, it is pretty funny.  Especially on Sunday mornings in Church!

Any way here is a nice manly card, great for occasion sand thinking of you!

Here is the transparent verse:
This is one of my Digi's

Next building the card:
a wood plank background freebie from

In an effort to save ink I cut a whole in the base

This came from Tumbler:
I inserted my verse directly on the image. I tried printing out on a separate sheet and distressing, 
but it did not look right at all!

And here is a simple card
I mounted this on a 90# ecru base

These are all down loadable and re-sizeable
Hope you can use this!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
Ginny M


This is absolutely awesome, Ginny. Sometimes, it's difficult to come up with masculine cards. This fits the bill perfectly.
Great work dear sis love the textured of the backgrounds and the verse .. great combo Shaz.xx

PS for some reason you have the: "Please prove you are not robot" switched back on and it is demanding I type a 15 letter bit of gobbly de gook.. arrrrgh!

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