A Scrap card Challenge

For the last two weeks, I held a "scrap challenge" over on my Christian Card Makers Facebook group.  The challenge given; photo your scrap bin/storage, weigh it and photo. Make cards!

At the end of the swap you had to re photo and reweigh.

I made 37 cards and it really helped clean out this bin!  I've posted my cards already, if you want to take a peek, just scroll down a few days worth of posts.

I had a first place winner and a second place

First place prize:

Second place prize:

I wanted to share both of the winners cards with you, they came out so awesome, especially since these were made from the scrap bin!

Kathy Godwin came in second place, she made 72 cards!  Here they are in Vignette form:

Aren't these Amazing??  Thank you Kathy for playing in the challenge your cards are beautiful and inspirational!!

Our First place winner was Angela Wahl, she made 79 cards!!!

Take a peek:
In the first photo you can see how nice and fat that scrap file was

In the last picture; skinny mini file!!

We had 12 players and over 300 cards made in total from scraps!!!
Christian Cardmakers is a terrific group, if you are interested in joining this Facebook group leave me a note in the Comments!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a great weekend
Ginny M


Beautiful ... Amazing work in vignette file ... Hard to believe they made so many in a week, thanks so much for sharing sis,
Love Shaz in Oz.x
Anne said…
Wow what a massive amount of cards! I'm lucky if I am able to make one card a week! Well done ladies! Your Facebook group sounds lovely but I am not on Facebook. Thanks for sharing all this talent and inspiration!

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