Word Art Wednesday two freebies

Karen Murray and Word Art Wednesday have gifted us with another wonderful verse today and an opportunity to enter a challenge and win a wonderful prize that will  help you in your card making!

Today's verse from Proverbs 21:31

When I think of this scripture I think of all the things we do to prepare our lives for the tumults that we know we will come. We purchase insurance to protect our health, our cars our homes. We do what we can to prepare. So  when the storm comes we have insurance  but we still pray, we still ask God to intervene, Because 'Safety is of the Lord'.  When the storm passes I never say thank you Allstate, I say thank you Jesus.  

I chose this beautiful ancient warhorse image to give a visual to the strength of preparation.  

It is a good thing to prepare, but  the best thing is trusting in the Lord

For you to use too!

I hope you will have the time to go over to Word Art Wednesday, read Karens' beautiful devotion, make a card and enter the challenge!

Thank you for stopping by!
Ginny M


Mehrll said…
Beautiful word art and love the horse to go with it.
Sis I really love this verse what a great card!!! Shaz,x

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