Word Art Wednesday

Today is my last day as a guest Design Team member over at  Word Art Wednesday, What a great time I had too!!  This wonderful blog bring s a new Bible verse and lots of inspiration every week. It is a labor of love by many hands on deck.

The week the verse is from Psalm 18:46

Such a beautiful verse in a perfect font!  
Here is my card

This card was made with a digital frame and lots of liquid pearl dots!!  
I also hand painted glitter on the  lattice of the image.

I can't wait to send it , I know it will make a smile happen!
Click over to Word Art Wednesday, Enjoy the devotion and make a card for the challenge!

Thank you for stopping by
Ginny M


Jan Castle said…
Stunning card Ginny...know how much time this must have taken you! Should be much loved by whoever you send it to!!!!
Paper Hugs,
Shelly Schmidt said…
Absolutely Gorgeous! I love the Psalm, and love the backdrop you have created to showcase it so much!!! Wowza!
Wow what a lovely verse sis as you say great verse in perfect font, don't you love it???

Great creation you have made with it, and congrats for being on the GDT position too,
Shaz in Oz,x
Congratulations on your Guest Design Team position! Your card is beautiful! I'm singing the Psalm!

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