All things are possible!

I am in the process of catching up on things ( catching up seems to be a constant for me these last few months), Catching up and working at navigating which path to go on next!  Instead of cities my signs would have the things that pertain to my life.

While I was away I had felt a very profound range of emotions, all of them good, all of them full of hope, all of them full of promises -fulfilled and yet to come in the next chapter of our lives.

During the Chapel service there was an amazing move of God and Worshiping  with these kids in Basic Military Training was an event I had never even dreamed of .

There were about 350 young men and women in this Non Denominational Pentecostal service, one of them was my daughter who had just graduated BMT.  This daughter said "Mom PLEEASSSE come to church with me" .  Something else I thought might never happen!  My Daughter was finding who she really was and with Joy discovering the purpose of her life. 

I think of all the decisions in my life  both good bad, one of the most important was to return to CT when I was 20 and how I did not want to, but did anyway.  We read the scripture that says to God obedience is better than sacrifice.  Sometimes that obedience is so difficult, heart breathtakingly. difficult. We only see a very short distance into our History - we see what we are giving up and not what we will be blessed with.

On my trip I took this picture:

This beautiful Panorama brought home to me this thought:
If I hadn't said yes then, I would not have my wonderful family. 

And this would just not be.

That was my past and I feel like the chapter is finished and time for the new one!

This Scripture was on my mind this morning:

Have you ever noticed how the Word remains the same and always changes with you?  
This verse used to mean I could make the grade, live through birthing, raise kids, get the job, get the job done, get the laundry done..
But today it means I can draw an apple!  I have always wanted to draw and always felt my abilities were by far to inferior to produce a fruit that could be recognized.
Last night in church I drew this:

and I drew my apple:

it is a start, one of those road signs pointing in an exciting new direction!
How about you?
What road signs are in your life?  What would you like to do with the help of the Lord?
I'll be working on kits today and while I am I will be thanking the Lord for all the blessing in my life and in my future.

Thanks for stopping by,
Ginny M


Hi Ginny, wow, you sound so refreshed and inspired! I loved your little graphite sketches. It made me think of the calligraphy class I had last night and now it's something I'm enjoying. Hugs,
Jan Castle said…
Good for you Ginny!!!! God is Good!
Paper Hugs,

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