Back home and a freebie

We've been traveling this weekend, off to lake placid for a beautiful wedding!  

My Sweet Niece  married a wonderful guy this Saturday

 and we celebrated with family and friends for the weekend.

In the middle of all of this fun I took a few minutes  to think about this scripture, I am so thankful for  the loving Kindness of God and the paths He chooses for us!

I made this card today for a friends Birthday and I am  giving you the image to help you with your card making.

I printed min on a natural white paper and then gave it black outlines

I hope you like this and can use it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Glenda said…
Beautiful card, scenery and bride! Thanks for showing us your weekend!
So beautiful and the card is great too! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments.

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