Word Art Wednesday

I'm just back from 5 days in San Antonio Texas. I've been  running around catching up and I realized I didn't have my sample card made for Today's Word Art Wednesday's anything goes challenge!  Karen L. Graciously told me not to worry there were enough samples.  But I really did not want the challenge to go by with out my card.  Then I read today's' verse beautifully digitized by Karen M:

I had to make a card, This same verse Had been on my heart for a few days!

Here is my card:

This verse is so full of hope, of the good tidings that brings peace: Messiah - Jesus.

I hope you find the time to go over to Word Art Wednesday and enter the challenge, but most importantly that you find the time to find discover The Good Tidings, you will be forever glad you did!
Thanks for stopping by,
Ginny M


Ah sis, love this verse too the richness of Gods word is such a comfort... We need Him every hour, minute, moment..
Beautiful digis too on your card, lovely!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Another stunning card, Ginny. I'm so blessed and so grateful to have you on the Design Team. I praise God for you, and I couldn't be happier that you choose to share your talents with us for something so much bigger than just our love for crafting. We have great things happening in 2016, and I just know that God is going to reach lives for His glory. I'm so glad you're willing to be a part of it all.

I'd like to invite you to share your cards in the challenges over at CropStop. You can link up here: www.cropstop.com/blog and you can win some awesome prizes, so I hope to see you there!


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