The Thankful Chair
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I am thankful for the many, many Blessings The Lord has poured into my life. The Scripture says in Luke 1:50 His Mercy is on them that fear (love, honor and revere)
Him from Generation to Generation.
I know the standup meaning of this is from the generations of time in families. BUT I want to say I am thankful because from Generation to Generation in my time line, God has poured out His mercy and grace. His Love and Care has been unfailing, he has never left or forsaken me. In the Generations I have walked with him, he held me tight and wrapped me in his love. Thank you Jesus, I am so grateful for your love and presence in my life and in my families.
Please watch this and remember to pull out your thankful chair. Jesus makes all the difference in this life and in Eternity.
The thankful chair
Thank you for stopping by and may God bless you abundantly!
Ginny and Steve M