Wednesday Post #2! Word Art Wednesday!!

My very favorite challenge blog  - Word Art Wednesday!  This week is Challenge #310!
A beautiful verse to express Thanksgiving and a devotion to encourage and inspire!

This weeks lovely verse by Karen Murray:

My Card:

I used a spellbinders Die for this card, love the results but to me they are such a pain to use!  I just about broke my arm trying to crank it through my cuttlebug,  so I dug out the power cord to my ebosser and that made it much easier.  I may end up getting a big shot at some point, or selling off the dies!  

I hope you can find the time to enter this weeks challenge and send your card off - Double blessing!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Sassy Gigi said…
I absolutely love this card. Georgiana
This is so beautiful Ginny - please don't sell off your dies, you use them so beautifully. Love the glittered layer under the edge of the lacy die cut!
Ginny Maxam said…
Thanks Maxine, I appreciate the encouragement, Maybe the problem is the cuttlebug,I need to just go back to the ebosser, and save my hands and a lot of frustration!!
Neet said…
That is a lovely card. Well worth any effort yu had to endure.
Hugs, Neet
ps I love, just love love love your blog header. Where is it please?
Ah wonderful indeed sis. I adore the verse... Such a truly precious promise and this is a favourite die of f mine, definitely use your ebosser as it is so worth the effort.
Blessings, Shaz in Oz.x
Ginny Maxam said…
i Neet, Thank you!! The blog header is a picture of the river walk in my new city, San Antonio Texas! The Guadalupe river runs through SA and they have developed it into a beautiful park, almost ten miles of beautiful river walking and in many places shops and resturants

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