Keeping things committed

Here is the Day Job:

I sew Parts!  This will be a zipper bag, today's work: 180 of them .  I won't be able to do them all in one day but they will be done by the end of the week.  I am a contract sewer and this is one of my jobs.

In the world of contract sewing this is one of the best jobs I have had:  clean, not too hard, lightweight and easy on my machines, plus I have a wonderful boss.  The owner of the company I work for designs her own patterns and is the best pattern maker I have ever worked for!  It makes a huge difference when a pattern is designed by a sewer!

Then by Night I do the fun stuff:

This is a Swap block with the theme Summer:

You do one bit at a time.    I have only been doing CQ for a few years and I am really working on good clean stitches (one of my goals is to become an expert and teacher of surface embroidery)

Lots of fun and wonderful things to play with

My husband posted this on his Facebook Page today and I thought this is so important I wanted to share it here.

"Commit thy works unto the LORD and thy thoughts shall be established" Proverbs 16:3 

When you sit and sew, whether it is at a machine or at a hoop you have a wonderful amount of time to think and to pray.  That is what I do, I pray for all the people I am blessed to have in my life, I pray for this blog that it would be an outreach of the Gospel and of encouragement.  I pray that the stories and vignettes of my simple life make you smile and point to The Way.   
My Works  are committed to the Lord, and my thoughts are filled with peace.  In a crazy world, that is a precious gift. One The Lord wants all to have. 

it's not hard, you just give the Lord what you have and what you do, and He will bless the works of your hands and the thought of your mind.  Ask Him he will tell you how!

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great Day!
Ginny M


Shelly Schmidt said…
I could do something like this if I took breaks- just was advised to quit my nursing job as it is a sitting job and my back and neck are not tolerating it.... I love your Crazy Quilting and your embroidery. Have you heard of Inspirations Magazine? Or, a Aussi teacher for stumpwork named Jan Kerton (aka Windflower embroidery)? Looking forward to your future posts!
Ginny Maxam said…
Hi Shelly! Sorry to hear about your back!! Yes I have heard of the Magazine - I had a subscription a few years ago and I have heard of Jan, I am going to go and check her out now!! Thanks!. BTW I a working on using my digital images for embroidery, as soon as I get the work sewing done, I am going to give my idea a try!!
have a great day!!
Ah Ginny, what a beautiful piece of embroidery - and yes, I love to pray while I am crafting. It certainly is a crazy world we live in, and we sao need the Peace that passes all understanding.

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