Almost done
I'm just about done with my set of 5.5 x5.5 mini tapestries. About 6 weeks ago I started stitching two little tapestries to go with this one I did 30 years ago:
About 6 weeks ago I started stitching two little tapestries to go with this one I did 30 years ago
They really don't go together, but after I put them in matching or similar frames I think they will look great!
The new ones were too bright so I toned them down with a little tea bath
I wrapped them and now they are ready for framing
I also did these help me get back into the swing of needlepoint before I do larger images. Each one of the new ones was 4900 stitches, I have a pillow on stand by that will be 4x that amount of stitching.
These were a lot of fun and very relaxing to do!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M