Apple Bread French Toast - dairy free - no bread machine used!

I hope you are all having a nice weekend, here in the USA we are enjoying "Labor Day"  It is our last Hurrah of the summer and it is a great time to enjoy family, traveling and eating.   We've spent the weekend traveling locally, there is a lot to see and do here in  South Texas.  We're always ready for a road trip!
Last night after a full day we were home for a late supper and I had a craving for french toast.   I wanted to try making a new bread without using my bread machine.  It was a success!  I will share this easy recipe:

This Yeast bread took 1 hour and 15 minutes!!
 I use Organic products, but this will work with non-organic too!

Apple Bread:

2 cups Organic white bread flour
2 cups whole wheat - I use white wheat berries and grind and sift and grind
4 tsp yeast
2tsp vital wheat gluten
2tsp salt
3 TBS Veg Oil ( I used safflower for this bread)
3 TBS raw honey
1.5 cups water 105 degrees
1 peeled and chopped granny smith apple
1/2 chopped walnuts

Very simple ingredient list

The amounts of the fruit and nuts were pretty random, you could more or less or none. raisins and cranberries would be nice also.

I added all of my ingredients except the apples into the mixing bowl and mixed/kneaded this for about 10 minutes on speed two in my KitchenAide stand mixer - Using the dough hook.
After the dough is kneaded  I placed it on my floured board and spread it out a bit and added the apples in the middle, then folded the edges over the center and kneaded it a bit to seal it.

If you don't have a mixer you can simply add the ingredients in a big bowl, get it mixed and turn out onto a floured surface , knead for 10 miniutes - then add your apples.  
I have a pecular problem, many fruits vegatables, and grains make my hands feel like I am getting burned when I touch them.  The skin gets red and Itchy and burns.  This is why I have a bread machine.  I am hoping using organic products will not have that affect on me.  Last night was good, I did not have a problem when I kneaded the apples in. 

Place your dough in an oiled bread pan - I never use the commercial sprays, they have stuff in there I am pretty sure isn't good for humans to eat - petrol products!
Let the bread rise in the oven on 225 for half an hour, then turn the oven up to 375 for 30 miniutes.

The texture of this bread is awesome and the flavor even better!  Perfect for french toast!
Toasted with homeade Cashew butter - so good!!
This would also work for a sand which bread.

For my french toast, I simply crack an egg into about 1/2 cup water, add cinnamon and nutmeg- no milk needed!!  I cook it with a little bit of "Smart Balance"  Butter subsitute.  This product is GMO free and it tastes great!    Removing Dairy from my diet was huge, I thought I would never be able to give up butter in my cooking.  But it was easy and I am so glad I did!

This lovely loaf of bread costs about $2.20 to make. you can't buy good artisan bread for that anywhere. When you cook at home you know exactly what you are eating and how fresh your ingredients are.  

The apple I used in this had been sitting in the fruit bow for about two weeks, it  didn't get rotated with the fresh incoming.  The skin was a bit shrively and not something I would look at and want to eat ( I am picky about somethings)  It was still a good piece of fruit and I did not want to throw it out.  Baking was a perfect use for it.  

I hope you give this recipe a try, it was delicious and satisfying.  Filled with good ingredients and Love!
Thanks for stopping by,
Ginny M


Hmmm - that sounds yummy Ginny - I must try it out one of these days - trouble is hubby and I would not eat that much bread, and both the younger families have food issues that preclude gluten :-(

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