Nutritious and yummy soup in 7 miniutes and a couple of clean eating tips
We've had a great day here. We were out early and off to an appointment to get our car key fixed. We picked up our new Camry last Saturday and when we got home we realized this $350.00 key was bent! So we went back to the dealers and they replaced the key . Steve found a terrific restaurant featuring European food - we were just in time for breakfast.
The food was so good! Well worth the 40 minutes to get there!
Across the street, a lovely pond filled with Swans. You don't see a lot of natural ponds here in south Texas! There were about 40 of these beautiful creatures and a few Muscovy ducks.
We did our grocery shopping on the way home. On Saturdays, I roast our meat for the week. I have several enamel cast iron dutch ovens and I put a big whole organic chicken in one. I found a big bird at 1.79 a pound - this is a great price for organic chickens, this bird was over 5 lbs, I tossed it in the pan with 3 cups of water, chopped onion, herbs and a bit of olive oil drizzled over the top. In the other pan 5 pounds of pork loin, bone in. It also got 3 cups of water, chopped onion, basil, rosemary, black pepper plus 2 small oranges cut in half squeed over the meat and the halves put in the for the cooking. 4 hours later they were done. The meat was boned and placed into super tight glass containers with rubbery lids, the juices were poured off for soups during the week, This homemade bone broth has a rich flavor and is especially nutritious. After it cools and before I use it for soups or sauces I remove the fat. There is just nothing better or more healthful for homemade soup. The meat will go into my meal plan and last the whole week.
By the way, another tip, any fruit or greens that didn't get eaten during the week will now get prepped and put into the freezer for our smoothies during the week. This way I am not wasting any of our organic produce. One thing we have found since going organic, we are eating a lot less food, and I am still adjusting to that as far as shopping goes.
During all the food prepping I got hungry and thought I would love some nice carrot soup. The carrots were still on the counter, I grabbed 4 carrots, cleaned and cut ends off - no need to peel, 1/2 onion, 1/2 cup cooked black beans - I cook my beans for the week on Mondaya, so I had these handy. I also added 4 cups of water, chicken broth powder (Orrington farms) I couldn't use fresh broth, it wasn't ready. Black pepper, a nice big slice of fresh Ginger, a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon. this all went into the Vitamix and turned up and onto high. After about 8 minutes I had a hot delicious and healthy soup. Full of antioxidants and nutrition! The ginger gives you an energy boost and is great for your metabolism!
This basic recipe made enough for 4 generous servings. Delish!!
I used to dread food shopping, While I have loved to cook since I was a teenager - it was always a balancing act between what I should cook and what I should not, what I should buy and what I should not. Now It's different, now I look at food and buy what will have great taste and great nutrition. We are seeing and feeling such positive results from clean eating, it has completely changed my relationship with food. Food Allergies forced me to make dramatic choices, on eof them being no more dairy! That was the biggest thing, no butter, no milk or cheese. While I have been whole food cooking for 2 decades, This is the first with no dairy. What a difference, I don't even miss it! In 3 months I have lost 17 pounds (not dieting either) and I am feeling better than I have in years.
I challenge you to look into clean eating, get rid of the fatigue and brain fog, joint pain and dull skin and hair. There is so much information available you can tailor to your families needs and likes! You won't be sorry!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M
Isn't it amazing what going off one food can result in - I had a friend who had to omit wheat, and she too lost weight and was satisfied with less food also.