Craft storage ideas

I enjoy a few types of crafting, one of them is crazy quilting.  Like any other craft, keeping these fun things stored and orderly is a real challenge.

The best way to keep things where you know where they are and able to get to is, to not have too much stuff.  I know that was just as funny to write as it was for you to read!

 I came up with a solution for my little stash.  I thought I would share it with you:

I keep my collections of fibers together.  All the silks, satins, wools, they all have their own space.  With crazy quilting, you only need little bits of things, actually lots of little bits of things.  So I came up with an expandable system to keep all those bits:

 I keep everything in drawers, these drawers are filled with collections of fibers, the bins underneath are fill with laces and trims.  What I was having a problem with were the beautiful fibers that I just had one skein of or small bits of lace.  Some of these things are pricey and I don't buy an 8.00 skein of fiber to loose it in a tub.

So after looking around the house, I had nothing I could use as far as a set of containers.
I came up with this cheap and easy solution!

Here is an example:

My solution:
Drawer partitions!

Fibers in the front, laces and bigger fibers in the back, all by color family

What you need:
Glue gun and card board1

Cut the cardboard, score bend and apply glue

 for those beautiful bits of fancy fabrics, I put them in a baggie by color family and then in a storage drawer:

Everything stays neat and findable!!

I hope this gives you a doable idea for your storage!

Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


A great storage solution Ginny - love how you have organised these.

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