WOYWW # 389 and a freebie

It's WOYWW# 389!  Stop over to Julia's blog Stamping ground and join in the world wide fun!!
Busy day for my desk - well it isn't even a desk, it is a skimpy little folding table!!  That is okay, My packing for the move is going great and I have just enough "stuff" unpacked to keep creating!

Yesterday I made this Fleur card.  I found an old piece of SU paper that I really liked so I made the card.

Then I had 2/3rds of that paper left.  So in an effort to leave no paper scraps behind in Texas I decided to make more cards with that red and cream  paper, here's the desk top:

I made two more:

A6 size

This time instead of using foam dimensional tape I just snip[ed the petals and shaped them a bit.
I really liked how that came out and since I use a 120# -130# card bases, I don't like the bulk of foam tape. It makes the cards more fragile in the mailing process.

Still had a good size piece left so I made this card:

A6 size

and since I cut into that G45 paper I had even more bits to use up 

so I made these: A2 size cards

It was kinda like a paper hydra!
 The little black cards will be used for thank you or notes tucked into other things.

and Since you have read this far I will leave you with a freebie to play with!

I think this would make a great  "Boy" card 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!
Ginny M


shazsilverwolf said…
Hi Ginny, I was smiling all through that- you are right, it's a never ending process! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xx
glitterandglue said…
Hi Ginny. As with Shaz, I was smiling my way through that post. Love the concept of a card making Hydra!! But oh how true, can't bear to waste good paper, have to use up all the little bits wherever possible. The end results are beautiful. Well done.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #1
Helen said…
Gorgeous cards!! Helen #3
Lindart said…
What a great idea that turned into absolutely gorgeous cards!! I loved the one with the poppy, but then I come across another that I love, and more...they are all awesome! Thank you for the frog! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #41
Beautiful cards and a lovely busy desk, perfect. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 14
Sharon said…
Very beautiful cards. Such classic designs.

Sharon K #32
What a wonderful excuse to make a slew of beautiful cards Ginny - you had cut onto the paper and needed to use it up!! Love the floral cards too. Thank you for the gorgeous frog image too!
Ah wonderful work Ginny, do love that sheet of SU paper too, wonderful!!! Great cards all around but think Le Jardin is my fav. Praying fir you in your packing too, sis.
Happy WOYWW! Thanks for sharing,
Shaz in Oz.x #9

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}OYWW! Thanks for sharing,
Shaz in Oz.x #9
Crystal Komara said…
All beautiful cards, Ginny, but I especially like the red "fleur" one. I haven't participated in a WOYWW in a while. I need to get back into it regularly again. I miss it! Hugs, Crystal
Heather said…
Gorgeous cards! I know the trials of packing up stuff and moving, since we did it in June this year... it's kinda fun on the other end though! ❤️ Have a great week! ~Heather~ #47
StampedbyChris said…
Hi Ginny...love the vintage feel of your cards. I had that G45 pack and have many leftovers. Hope you don't mind if I CASE you!
Chris #27
Lunch Lady Jan said…
Wow, I love those Fleur cards so much! The colours and text are just gorgeous. Those notecards on black are rather sexy too - and so useful!
Hugs, LLJ 7 xx
PS Sorry I'm late replying, been crazy busy couple of days :-)
Neet said…
Gorgeous cards - I am a sucker for those colours you have used - beautiful.
Hugs - a very very late - Neet xx
Anne said…
Hi there. I do apologise for only now visiting your blog. I have only just realised that I had some more comments last week, not been able to join in this week :-( Love the cards. anne x

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