Word Art Wednesday

It is Wonderful Word Art Wednesday! I hope you make the time to click over to Word Art Wednesday and  check out Karen's beautiful devotion and the inspiring samples made by the design team! 
Make a card and enter the challenge and maybe you will win a prize, mail the card and you will make someones' day!!

Our beautiful verse for today Designed by Karen Murray

Such a powerful and hope building verse.
I wanted to keep my images soft for this, I will save this card for a time when that word of hope will be a blessing.

Using a soft focus image on designer paper I added a slight bit of pink distress ink.  I wanted this to look like a vintage hand colored photo. I have fond memories of my father showing me how this is done in the darkroom process:

Just a touch and then printing the verse on vellum,

Here is the finished card:

I may keep this card on display for awhile, it blesses me each time I read it!
The Word of God is always building Light and Life into our lives, I am so thankful to be able to know Him and read his love letter Us.
I hope you join in the challenge at Word Art Wednesday, Thanks for stopping by!
Ginny M


Well done sis, great use of vellum, and yes, it is a blessing to look and be comforted by such words of promise!! ❤❤❤
Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Great use of the vellum. I need to pull mine out. Such a lovely design!!!

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