Monochrome Challenge

On Monday Speedy TV hosts a weekly challenge event , if you enter and post your card you may even win a set of free stamps!!  Go here to check out This Mondays challenge:

Today’s challenge theme is Monochrome.

Monochrome describes paintings, drawings, design, or photographs in one color or shades of one color”.

I love Monochrome!  There is so much you can do with  monochrome coloring.  It all has to do with balance and contrast.  Contrast grabs your eye and shouts “look how interesting I am”!!!

I picked pink for my color and cream for the background. I felt like if I had gone entirely pink I might have made myself a little sick.  I am just not a pastel person.
I used the Marks’ finest Paper and Stamps set  ‘Lotus Blossom’ ( a new July release) for this card and I love it there are 9 beautiful stamps in this set and I will have a lot of flexibility with the images.  I’m going to try the stamp I used in this card with a malachite embossing powder next!! 

Stamps can be purchased here:

You can make your own malachite powder by mixing a little bit of the following embossing powders:

Black, gold, silver, green and  clear!

Participating in challenges is a great way to stretch your skills and learn new ones, I highly recommend trying a few out!  Many have prizes but whether  you win or not  you will at least have a beautiful new card to cheer somebody up with!
I do threaten, on a regular basis, my 19 year old son that I am going to paint his room pink,  but that is as close to the color as I will get!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!
Ginny Maxam


Thrifty Stamper said…
Beautiful!!! How on earth did you get the sparkle on the lotus petals?
Janine said…
Gorgeous card. I think the Lotus Blossoms set is going to be a real hit - it is certainly the one I love this month.
Oh Ginny this one wonderfully executed card such a beautiful stamp showcased what great stamp set they are!!
Off to peek, thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x
Ravengirl said…
Wow Ginny! Your lotus is gorgeous!

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