Tutorial time Challenge, hanging treat box! Spending rant
On Fridays it is Tutorial Time on SpeedyTV. Tutorial Time is a group of designers that create a new tutorial for new techniques every week. Try something fun and learn a new technique!
This weeks challenge is a hanging treat box! Go here: http://mfpspeedytv.ning.com/page/tutorial-time-on-speedytv just click on todays' date for the current tutorial! If you would like to join in on more challenges, Speedy offers a week full of them, there are even prizes to be won!! Go Here: http://mfpspeedytv.ning.com/page/challenges
Here is my finished result for the hanging treat box tutorial:
This weeks challenge is a hanging treat box! Go here: http://mfpspeedytv.ning.com/page/tutorial-time-on-speedytv just click on todays' date for the current tutorial! If you would like to join in on more challenges, Speedy offers a week full of them, there are even prizes to be won!! Go Here: http://mfpspeedytv.ning.com/page/challenges
Here is my finished result for the hanging treat box tutorial:
The stamp is from Marks Finest Papers and Stamps set "Mothers Magnolias"
Go on over to Speedy TV, give it a try, enter your challenge and you may win this new stamp set!!

One of the things on my list of to do's is today is to finish my 12x12 paper chop project!
Last night I cut most of my stacks, I did not cut my solid papers because I will use those on my electronic cutter. I did not chop up my G45 papers. I don't scrap book so none these pads will be needed for scrapping, it will all be going into card making .
I'll post pictures on my storage solution for these now 6x6 pads once I figure out what I am doing with them!!
I'm using an Alenes' Tacky glue paste with a brush on the new binding, it takes about 2 hours to dry and works perfectly!
Since I spent about two hours going through all my patterned papers, it really helped me to remember what I have and sparked a bunch of great ideas, I also went through all that paper and pulled out the sheets that I did not like for a give away pile, that took out about 15% of the paper . I'm not a pastel fan so that was pretty much what went into the "for friends " box!!
51 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on my no craft spend fast!!
Has it been difficult? YES!! It does however make you reevaluate your spending priorities and your level of Habit! My stash is modest compared to some (sounds like an addict statement doesn't it?), but it is the idea of all ways adding to it that is so addictive!! Spending habits can be fixed on anything, I know two ladies that have several hundred pairs of shoes and continue to shop the shoe sales every week, like they need shoes. Crafters think they need all the special stuff at the big box stores, The stores know you need it so they send you coupons to help you. The crafter can get so involved in the purchasing they never end up doing the crafting! A person can feel paralyzed mid project till they run out and purchase that new and very special embossing folder, got have that one because one of the 80 they all ready have just isn't perfect enough! It is all in marketing, create a need, push the need, supply a coupon to purchase the need.
Okay, I'm off my little soap box!! Remember this was all inspired by the you tube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3D77sMmwd8&feature=player_embedded
Have a wonderful day!!
Ginny M