WOYWW#215 time and lots of challenges!

It is weds and time for the world wide blog hope that Starts here:  http://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/ , at Lovely Julia's blog! It will most likely to commence around 3am EST which I hope to be sleeping, hence I'm starting early! 
My desk was busy tonight I made a few challenge cards, and while I was working on the card type challenges, I working on a personal one too.  When the cards were done I had my answers!

Here is my desk:
I know it doesn't look like much, But I like to keep things as tidy as possible!

Working on a cute little penguin card for the challenge here:   http://casology.blogspot.com/  The theme was "cool". Here is the finished card:

Hopefully this looks cool!  It is an a6 size on 100# base card stock .  This is a clean and simple challenge and I am hoping it qualifies - I tend to over do!

The next card was for Mojo Monday Challenge:  http://mojomonday.blogspot.com/
I am hoping these challenges help me to become a better card maker, I am learning a lot along the way!
Clean and fairly simple  A6 size 80#  card base the DP was from a DCWV pad.
For some slightly OCD reason I decided to cut this pad in quarters, glue the top on the cut pads and make four pads from the one.  I felt like when I use the 12x12  I get bored with them and that I seem to waste a lot of paper.  Not so with my 6x6 pads.  Now I know the scale is different on the 6x6 pads, but I thought I'd give this a try.
So far I am liking it!  I used Alene's Tacky glue to "pad" the tops of the lower two 6x6 pieces.  I have been using this set quite a bit.  I'm not ready to chop up all my pads, but this seems to really be working well.  I thought too, I give one of these to a stamping chum and see if she liked it!

Next challenge was the challenge on multi levels, here is the blog where the card challenge originates:
http://twistoffaithcards.blogspot.com/.  The criteria was a gate fold card with a scripture or encouraging sentiment. 
One thing that helps me to crank out cards is this little treasure box:
I have hundreds of stamped and trimmed and even some backed sentiments/scriptures.  This is an awesome assistance in my card making! and I always feel encouraged after peeking through it!

Here is my card for the challenge:
The personal challenge has to do with where this is going.  When I started, I had no design in mind, no scripture, no colors - Nada.  So I asked the Lord in a small quiet prayer, what would you like this to say?  And I knew when I looked into my box that this was the right one, because it no matter what the circumstance; This verse speaks HOPE.
So I hope you enjoyed your visit and it was probably to long for the WOYWW, but I had a busy desk today!
Enjoy the Hop and Thanks you for stopping here!!
Ginny M


Hi, Ginny

Wow...what a fun bunch of cards...your creativity was overflowing with God's goodness. I absolutely love your gatefold card it is gorgeous and brought tears to my eyes reading the scripture...felt like it was just for me. Gods bountiful blessing to you and thank you for joining us at Twist of Faith
Hullo there Ginny how creative are all those cards ..
..and well love your idea of verse stamped sentiments might just borrow that small folder idea shave one lying rarely used in my bureau am sure crafty sentiments and verses would be much better use!!

I really like the pads quartered too brilliant idea! also great card and verse, our hope is in God. Isn't that on your currency somewhere? happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #30
Eliza said…
I don't think you over do it with your cards they are really beautiful and perfect, I missed a few posts and have gone back and they one before with all the butterflies is just divine you have such talent, thanks for sharing.

Happy WOYWW Eliza 26
Julia Dunnit said…
beautiful cards Ginny, you can't possibly not consider yourself a card maker, how modest you are! such a good idea to cut up the pads...quite apart form any other reason, if you (like me) tend to collect rather than use the generous scraps, it's the perfect answer!
What a great treasure box.

The penguins are stealing my heart here! Penguins are absolutely One of my Faves!

Thanks for joining in the FUN at CASology this week!
ike said…
Gorgeous cards - I love the middle one best. :-) I wouldn't have the guts to cut up my paper pads !!! In fact, I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to them... I tend to covert them too much and don't actually USE them LoL


IKE in Greece #33
Laura said…
Well that is a brilliant idea if you use 6x6 pads... I don't think me glueing my 6x6's together to make 12x12s would be quite as effective!!
Happy Wednesday
Love the drama of the black silhouette against that gorgeous sky! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology this week!
MariLynn said…
I liked the idea of your scripture box. I can see how reading through them would be encouraging. I like how your gate fold card turned out.
Ria Gall said…
Hi Ginny
you have made some really stunning cards I love how different each one is and the colours you have used are amazing.
have a great day enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #75
Hillary Harris said…
All of your cards are wonderful! I love the idea of cutting a 12x12 pad in quarters! Never thought of that! Thanks for joining us at Twist of Faith!
Danie May said…
Beautiful cards I especially love the second one for its color and design. I agree that cutting your pads into card making size is fabulous and will probably ensure you of less waste or hoarding scrap paper. Happy WOYWW Danie #34.
Pauline said…
Hi Ginny! I love your post today... your cards are gorgeous... and I particularly love your creation shared at our Twist of Faith Gatefold Card challenge this week... it is breath-taking!
hugs and blessings,
Jay reid said…
that box full of quotes is such a great idea, it really is, adore the green tree card, thats stunning, love your desk lots of craftyness going on, thanks for the snoop

Jay NO.65
Meghan said…
Your penguins are just too cool! All your cards are gorgeous! Thanks for joining in on the fun at CASology this week!
All beautiful cards,but i really like your penguin card :)
The treasure box is a really good idea-i am just starting stamping "properly" LOL and might set up something similar for my stamped greetings-thank you for sharing.
Best wishes,Nessa xx
Jen W. said…
LOL! Love those cute penguins sitting on the ice cubes and your colouring is gorgeous! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!
Zella said…
Oh Ginny, I love you cards!! But what I love most is your little treasure box - what a super idea!!!! I might have to use that idea. Thanks for joining us this week at Twist of Faith....and SOOOO excited to be working with you on the DT now! :)
Melissa said…
That penguin card just makes me smile!!! :) What a GREAT scene and I just love the dimension you added by popping up the cute little birds!
Thanks so much for joining us at CASology! :)

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