
We had a wedding this weekend!!  Our oldest son Roy married Megan  Thursday evening!  They had a very quiet ceremony in South Carolina where they are both working and building a house.  We will be spending some time visiting the Newly wed sin The Summer, needless to say I can hardly wait!

Roy and Megan are both Aeronautical engineers for Boeing and have been together for years!
Megan  waited for Roy  to get out of the Marines - That's where they met, in a Tech school, she was Air Force he was Marines.  They both pursued graduate work and this December relocated to SC.
We are so happy to officially welcome Megan into the family and hope they will be very happy and blessed!
Thanks for stopping by and here's a beautiful Spring freebie!
Ginny M



How wonderful Ginny.. love the pickie, may God bless them in all things.. and you. Shaz in Oz.x
Davi said…
Congrats on the new daughter in law :)
Congrat Ginny,,,,,,Horayyyy for a new couple,,,,,,,,,,,,tyatatatatata (wedding music)

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